
    A RemanufacturinG Mode Selection Strategy Considering Reference Price Effect

    • 摘要: 在考虑参考价格效应的基础上,分别构建和求解原制造商(original equipment manufacturer,OEM)将再制造业务以外包和授权两种模式给第三方再制造商(third-party remanufacturer,TPR)的两期博弈模型,分析了参考价格效应和消费者偏好的影响,然后将两种模式进行比较。结果表明,随着参考价格因子增加,在授权模式下,新品和再制造品价格均降低,新品的销量增加,而再制造品销量减少;在外包模式下,若消费者偏好特别高,参考价格因子对价格和销量的影响取决于再制造成本节约。绝大部分情况下,OEM偏好授权模式,仅当新品生产成本和回收投资系数均非常低,且消费者偏好和参考价格因子均相当高时,OEM选择外包模式;TPR和系统总体始终在外包模式中获益更多。当参考价格因子高于(低于)阈值时,授权模式的消费者剩余和社会福利高于(低于)外包模式。若单位再制造品产生的环境影响相对于新品的比值高于消费者偏好,且参考价格因子低于阈值,授权模式更具环境友好性;但随着消费者偏好增加,授权模式环保效益优于外包模式的可能性降低。


      Abstract: Based on reference price effect, this study establishes and solves two-period game models for two remanufacturing modes, i.e., outsourcing the remanufacturing business by the original equipment manufacturer (OEM) or authorizing it to a third-party remanufacturer (TPR). The influences of the reference price effect and consumer preference are analyzed, and then the two modes are compared. Results show that: with the increase of reference price coefficient, in the authorizing mode, the prices of both new and remanufactured products decrease, while the sales of new products and remanufactured products increase and decrease, respectively. In the outsourcing mode, if the consumer preference is particularly high, the impacts of reference price coefficient on prices and sales depend on the cost-savings of remanufacturing. In most cases, OEM prefers the authorizing mode; only when the production cost of new products and the recycling investment coefficient are both very low, and the consumer preference and the reference price coefficient are both fairlyhigh, does OEM choose the outsourcing mode. TPR and the whole system always benefit more from the outsourcing mode. When the reference price coefficient exceeds (falls below) a threshold, the consumer surplus and social welfare under the authorizing mode are higher (lower) than those under the outsourcing mode. If the environmental impact of unit remanufactured products relative to unit new products is higher than the consumer preference and the reference price coefficient is below the threshold, the authorizing mode is more environmentally friendly. However, as the consumer preference increases, the probability of the authorizing mode outperforming the outsourcing mode in environmental benefits decreases .


