
    Study on the Pickup and Delivery Model Integrating Complex Operations and Distribution Scenarios

    • 摘要: 针对大型物流企业在复杂城市道路网络中的取送货问题,构建了一个综合考虑多中转场、多车型、多行程、需求可分割以及时间窗等多种实际运营和配送场景的混合整数规划模型,旨在实现使用成本和行驶成本的最小化。为验证模型的有效性,采用pr01数据集作为研究样本,通过设立不同测试情景,深入探究多种因素对模型性能的影响。结果表明,综合考虑5种因素的模型相较于仅考虑其中4种因素的模型更优,成本降低显著;在车辆对使用成本不太敏感时,需求不可分割的配送策略具有经济性和便利性优势;多中转场与多行程因素在成本控制中发挥着至关重要的作用,若忽略多中转场或多行程因素,将导致成本大幅增加;从装载率的角度来看,单行程方案却表现最优,这与从成本角度得出的结论形成鲜明对比。这一综合模型为大型物流企业的运营规划与决策提供了有力的支持,有助于降本增效并增强客户满意度。


      Abstract: This study constructs a mixed-integer programming model for large logistics companies addressing pickup and delivery problems within complex urban road networks. The model comprehensively considers multiple transshipment points, multiple vehicle types, multiple trips, divisible demands, and time windows, aiming to minimize startup and travel costs. To validate the model’s effectiveness, we used the pr01 dataset as our study case. By establishing different test scenarios, we delved into the impact of various factors on model performance. The results indicate that the model considering all five factors outperforms the one considering only four, with a significant reduction in costs. When vehicle sensitivity to dispatch cost is low, strategy involving indivisible demands offer economic and convenience advantages. The multiple transshipment points and multiple trips factors play a critical role in cost control; neglecting them can lead to a substantial cost increase. However, from a load factor perspective, the single trip plan demonstrates optimal performance, contrasting sharply with conclusions drawn from a cost standpoint. This comprehensive model provides robust support for the operational planning and decision-making of large logistics enterprises, helping to reduce operational costs, enhance transportation efficiency, and improve customer satisfaction.


