工业工程 ›› 2023, Vol. 26 ›› Issue (2): 148-154.doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1007-7375.2023.02.017

• 系统建模与优化算法 • 上一篇    下一篇


黄伟, 胡培奇, 刘银轲   

  1. 华北水利水电大学 管理与经济学院, 河南 郑州 450046
  • 收稿日期:2022-01-18 发布日期:2023-05-05
  • 作者简介:黄伟(1975-),男,河南省人,教授,博士,主要研究方向为大数据与系统优化仿真
  • 基金资助:

Marshalling Plan Optimization for Single-group Freight Trains in the Direction of Straight-line Railways Considering the Balance of Operating Capacity

HUANG Wei, HU Peiqi, LIU Yinke   

  1. School of Management and Economics, North China University of Water Resources and Electric Power, Zhengzhou 450046, China
  • Received:2022-01-18 Published:2023-05-05

摘要: 铁路货运对于保证国民经济持续稳定、缓解疫情带来的影响发挥着举足轻重的作用。对于运输去向及来源不同的货物,在保证编组列车开行相对时间消耗较少的同时,利用各作业技术站的改编能力有效整理货源,提高运输效率十分重要。针对直线方向技术站间单组货物列车编组优化问题,以技术站集结车小时消耗与沿途改编中转车小时消耗的总和最小为目标,综合考虑车流的改编方案唯一性、车站改编能力、调车线容车能力等限制,在传统技术站单组列车编组计划线性整数规划模型基础上,增加无改编通过沿途技术站这一约束条件,构建多目标线性0-1规划模型。通过小规模算例进行求解与分析,验证模型的准确性和实用性,以便进一步提高列车的货物运输效率。

关键词: 单组列车, 技术直达列车, 0-1规划模型

Abstract: Railway freight transportation plays a pivotal role in ensuring the continued stability of the national economy and fighting the impact of the epidemic. For goods with different transportation destinations and origins, it is necessary to effectively organize the origins of goods and improve the transportation efficiency by using the operating capacity of each marshalling station while ensuring low time consumption for the running of marshalling trains. Focusing on the marshalling optimization of single-group freight trains among stations in a straight-line direction, this paper aims to minimize the sum of the hourly consumption of assembled trains at stations and the hourly consumption of remarshalling transit trains along the way. Considering the limitations of the uniqueness of remarshalling strategies for traffic flows, the remarshalling capacity of stations, and the capacity of a shunting line, a multi-objective linear 0-1 programming model is established based on the linear integer programming model of the traditional single train marshalling plan at stations, adding the constraint of no remarshalling passing through the stations along the way. A small-scale example is adopted for solving and analysis to verify the accuracy and practicability of the model, and further improve the efficiency of railway freight transportation.

Key words: single-group train, technical through train, 0-1 programming model
