About Journal

  • 1. Overview of the Journal

    Industrial Engineering Journal (IEJ) is the official journal of the Industrial Engineering Division of the Chinese Mechanical Engineering Society, sponsored by Guangdong University of Technology and co-sponsored by the Chinese Mechanical Engineering Society. This bimonthly journal is published in Chinese and is distributed both domestically and internationally.

    Established in 1998, IEJ is one of the two major journals in the field of industrial engineering in China. It has been included in the Overview of Core Chinese Journals (editions of 2008, 2011, 2017, and 2020), Chinese Core Journals of Science and Technology (Natural Science Volume) (in 2020, 2021, 2022, and 2023), and the RCCSE Core Academic Journals of China. The journal is indexed by several authoritative domestic and international databases and abstracting services, including CNKI, Wanfang Data, JST (Japan), AJ (Russia), INSPECT (UK), and EBSCO (USA). The journal has received has received the Outstanding Award for the Implementation of the First CAJ-CD Standard, and has been repeatedly recognized as an Excellent Scientific Journal of Chinese Universities and an Excellent Scientific Journal of Guangdong Province.

    2. Objectives of the Journal

    IEJ aims to lead the forefront of academic research in industrial engineering, innovate theoretical methods in the field, promote the development of the discipline, cultivate outstanding talents, advance the application of industrial engineering technologies, and contribute to the high-quality development of national economy and society in China.

    Since the inception of IEJ, the editorial office has adhered to the correct political direction, upheld the objectives of the journal, and maintained a commitment to quality. As a result, the journal publishing standards have progressively improved, and its influence factor has continually increased. According to the 2023 annual report data from CNKI, IEJ has an annual Composite Impact Factor of 1.734 (compared to 1.569 in the 2022 report), representing a 10.5% increase from the previous year. representing a 10.5% increase from the previous year. Its influence index ranks 10th out of 49 in the category of Industrial Economics, placing it in the Q1 quartile. 

    3. Field of Publication

    IEJ primarily publishes academic articles on new theoretical methods in the field of industrial engineering, as well as original articles on the innovative application of industrial engineering theories and methods in advanced manufacturing and modern service industries. The intended readers include researchers in the field of industrial engineering from both domestic and international institutions, decision-makers in industrial and economic management departments, engineers engaged in the innovative application of industrial engineering technologies, and students of industrial engineering-related majors in higher education institutions.

    The scope of IEJ includes, but is not limited to, the following topics: operations research and decision optimization, engineering statistics and big data, human-machine systems and human factors engineering, production planning and scheduling optimization, engineering economics and management, quality engineering and system reliability, management information systems and digitization, logistics and supply chain management, intelligent manufacturing systems and optimization, service operations and healthcare management, cyber-physical system optimization, complex system modeling and simulation, dual-carbon and sustainable development, and healthcare system management.


  • 2023-08-03 Visited: 80984
About Journal
主  编:唐立新
地  址:广州市东风东路729号
邮  编:510090
电  话:020-37626037
标准刊号:ISSN 1007-7375
     CN 44-1429/TH