工业工程 ›› 2024, Vol. 27 ›› Issue (3): 147-158.doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1007-7375.240027

• 可持续运营与供应链管理 • 上一篇    下一篇


郭文强, 梁蕴泽, 郭金忠   

  1. 新疆财经大学 信息管理学院,新疆维吾尔自治区 乌鲁木齐 830012
  • 收稿日期:2024-01-16 发布日期:2024-07-12
  • 作者简介:郭文强 (1975—),男,锡伯族,吉林省人,教授,博士,主要研究方向为供应链管理
  • 基金资助:
    国家自然科学基金资助项目 (72264036);新疆维吾尔自治区研究生科研创新资助项目 (XJ2023G248)

Network Equilibrium of Fresh Supply Chains Considering Effort Levels of All Parties with the Goal of Carbon Peak and Carbon Neutralization

GUO Wenqiang, LIANG Yunze, GUO Jinzhong   

  1. School of Information Management, Xinjiang University of Finance and Economics, Urumqi 830012, China
  • Received:2024-01-16 Published:2024-07-12

摘要: 为探讨不同竞争与合作模式下生鲜供应链成员最优努力水平、消费者低碳偏好和原材料产能约束对生鲜供应链利润的影响,本文结合生鲜产品易腐性、季节性的特点,以多个供应商、制造商、零售商及需求市场组成的生鲜供应链为研究对象,利用网络均衡的方法构建供应链网络模型,并设计基于对数二次型逼近的算法求解。研究结果表明:当所有生鲜供应链成员协同努力时,一定程度的努力投入能够使相关成员及供应链整体利润达到最优;当生鲜供应链各层级之间协同努力时,供应商和零售商努力水平的提高更有利于整体利润最大化;当生鲜供应链成员各自努力时,决策者需密切关注竞争对手或其余层级成员的努力水平;消费者低碳偏好的增加有利于提升制造商利润,但对供应商与零售商利润的改善有限;原材料产能约束能够使供应商利润得到较为显著提升,但并不利于改善其余供应链成员利润。

关键词: 生鲜供应链, 低碳偏好, 网络均衡, 努力水平, 产能约束

Abstract: In order to explore the optimal effort levels of fresh supply chain members under different competition and cooperation modes, as well as the impact of consumer low-carbon preferences and raw material capacity constraints on supply chain profits, this study, considering the perishable and seasonal nature of fresh products, focuses on a fresh supply chain comprising multiple suppliers, manufacturers, retailers, and demand markets. The network equilibrium method is adopted to develop a supply chain network model and design an algorithm based on logarithmic quadratic approximation for solving the model. Results show that when all members of a fresh supply chain exert collaborate efforts, avoiding excessive effort investment can optimize profits of relevant members and the overall supply chain. When efforts are coordinated among different levels of a fresh supply chain, the improvement in the efforts of suppliers and retailers is more conducive to maximizing overall profits. When members of a fresh supply chain work independently, decision-makers need to pay close attention to the effort levels of competitors or other hierarchical members. The increase in consumer low-carbon preferences benefits manufacturer profits, but has limited improvement in the profits of suppliers and retailers. Raw material capacity constraints can significantly improve supplier profits, but are not conducive to improving profits for other supply chain members.

Key words: fresh supply chain, low-carbon preference, network equilibrium, effort levels, capacity constraints
